Optical Coatings & Custom Filters Capability

Table of Contents

Coligh utilizes multi-optical coating capabilities. Including sputtered coating technology and Ion-assisted deposition hard coating to provide a diverse range of high-precision optical filters, including single-band and multi-band bandpass filters, longpass filters, shortpass filters, and dichroic filters. These filters are tailored to meet the specific needs of customers in life science, Photonics imaging, sensing and detection, and Biomedical related applications

Optical filter type: Single band/Multibandpass filter, longpass filter, shortpass filter, dichroic filters, beam splitter, reflective mirror, anti reflection windows

Wavelength Range & Applicable Filter Types

Filter typeWavelength Range
OEM WavelengthEUV – 20000nm (UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, MWIR, LWIR)
Bandpass Filter200 – 10000nm
Longpass Filter200 – 20000nm
Shortpass Filter200 – 2000nm
Notch Filter500 – 1100nm
Reflective TypeEUV – 20000nm
Anti-Reflective TypeEUV – 20000nm

Optical Performance

Parameter Specification
Filter Dimension 4 – 200mm
Transmission <=99%
Reflectivity <=99.7%
FWHM Narrow to 0.4nm
Clear Aperture ≥90% of diameter,Up to 100%
AOI, Angle of Incidence Up60°
Optical Density, OD OD8 及以上
Surface Quality 80/50, 60/40, 40/20, 20/10
Environmental & Physical Durability Compliant with MIL-STD-810F and MIL-C-48497A standards

IR Laser Optics Capability:

Category Specification
Substrate Materials Germanium wafers, Silicon wafers, Chalcogenide materials, ZnSe, ZnS, CaF₂
Thin Film Types Beamsplitter type, High-reflective mirror, IR-cut filter, Anti-reflective
Germanium wafers with double-sided AR coating 8-12 µm, Average Transmittance ≥ 97%
Germanium wafers 4-12 µm, Average Transmittance ≈ 96%
Silicon wafers 3-5 µm, Average Transmittance ≈ 98%
Germanium wafers with AR & DLC coating 8-12 µm, Average Transmittance ≥ 91%
Silicon wafers with AR & DLC coating 3-5 µm, Average Transmittance ≥ 85%
Chalcogenide materials (IRG201, IRG202, IRG204, IRG205, IRG206) 8-12 µm, 8-14 µm, Average Transmittance ≥ 96%
ZnSe, ZnS, CaF₂ substrates Anti-reflective film coated
Laser Damage Threshold 20 J/cm² @ 1064nm (20ns, AR@1064nm) 7 J/cm² @ 532nm (20ns, AR@532nm) 5 J/cm² @ 355nm (20ns, AR@355nm) 15 J/cm² @ 1064&532nm (20ns, AR@1064&532nm)
Size Dimension 5 – 200 mm
Size Tolerance +0.0 / -0.1 mm
Flatness 1/10 λ
Parallelism 3′

Optical Prism Capabilities

Category Specification
Size Customizable
Coating Range UV / NIR / IR
Prism Processing Capacity
Angle Accuracy 5″
Surface Quality 20-10
Surface Accuracy Within 1/10λ
Prism Difference 1″
Dimensional Accuracy ±0.02 mm
Substrate Materials NBK7, H-K9L, Float Glass, B270, UV Fused Silica, Zinc Selenide
Coating Options Prisms can be delivered coated or uncoated (raw material)

Aspherical Lens Capabilities

Category Specification
Materials Optical glass, Quartz, Calcium Fluoride, Germanium, Silicon, Zinc Selenide
Focal Length ±5mm ~ ±1000mm ±2%
Diameter 10mm ~ 75mm (+0.0 / -0.2mm)
Thickness Tolerance ±0.2mm
Surface Type 3F(1f)
Finish 60/40 ~ 80/50
Eccentricity < 5 arc min
Effective Aperture > 90%
Chamfer 0.2mm × 45°
Coating AR Coating or Custom Design

Spherical Lens Capabilities Table

Category Specification
Coating Broadband AR Coating for UV, Visible, NIR, MWIR
Materials Optical Glass, UV Fused Silica, IR Fused Silica, Calcium Fluoride (CaF₂), Magnesium Fluoride (MgF₂), Zinc Selenide (ZnSe), Germanium (Ge), Silicon (Si)
Lens Types Plano-Convex, Bi-Convex, Plano-Concave, Bi-Concave, Positive Meniscus, Negative Meniscus
Refractive Index Tolerance ±0.0002
Diameter Tolerance 0 / -0.008mm
Thickness Tolerance ±0.1mm
Sag Tolerance ±0.1mm
Focal Length Tolerance ±0.5%
Eccentricity 20″
Surface Quality 20-10
Surface Accuracy (Flatness) 0-1 Fringe
Local Surface Accuracy 0.2 Fringe
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