LWDM telecome telecommunication optical filter
LWDM telecome telecommunication optical filter

LWDM Telecommunication Filter

LWDM telecommunication filter are high-performance filter components for 5G extended C-band optical communications. Coligh customizes  5G optical communication filters according to customer needs.

Due to the high bandwidth and frequency requirements of 5G, LWDM fiber filters are key components for extending C-band optical communication systems. The LWDM fiber filters supplied by Coligh have the following features:

  • Support a wide wavelength range to meet the needs of different optical communication systems
  • Low insertion loss provides stable, low-loss optical transmission speed
  • High isolation between adjacent channels effectively reduces signal interference and ensures higher quality signals
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LWDM Telecommunication Filter Description

The LWDM optical communication filter supplied by Coligh is a high-performance filter specially designed for modern optical communication systems. Through precise wavelength selection, low insertion loss and high isolation, it provides customers with good signal quality.

  • This filter supports a wavelength range from 1260-1360nm, providing customers with different communication needs, such as 1286.66nm, 1291.1nm, 1309.14nm, etc. Through precise wavelength design, signal transmission can be optimized, suitable for high-speed, bandwidth-intensive optical fiber networks
  • The maximum insertion loss (IL) of the filter in the passband is less than 0.3 dB, and the ripple (Ripple) in the passband is less than 0.2 dB, which ensures the minimum loss of the signal during transmission, ensuring system efficiency and signal quality
  • The filter has excellent adjacent channel isolation capability, can provide more than 30 dB of isolation, prevent interference between wavelengths, and ensure the stability of data transmission. Within the stop bandwidth, the maximum insertion loss is 0.2 dB, and the ripple is kept within 0.15 dB, effectively suppressing unwanted signals and ensuring efficient operation of the system.
  • The LWDM filter supports a variety of angles of incidence (AOI), including 1.8°, 8°, 13.5°, etc., providing greater flexibility for system design, and can adapt to different types of optical fiber components and equipment, optimize the installation process, and ensure efficient optical signal transmission.

LWDM Telecome Filter For Fiber Spectrum Performance

LWDM Telecommunication Filter Technical Datasheet

Parameters Specifications
Operation Wavelength 1260~1360nm
AOI 1.8, 8, 13.5…deg
Center Wavelength @ 3dB 1286.66/1291.1/1295.56/1300.05/1304.58/1309.14
Pass Band Width @ 0.35dB >= ±1.3nm
Stop Band Width @26dB <= 6.6nm
Transmission Adjacent Channel Isolation >= 30nm
Max IL within Pass Band <= 0.3db
Ripple within Pass Band <= 0.2db
Max IL within Stop Band <= 0.2db
Ripple within Stop Band <= 0.15db
Polarization Dependent Loss <= 0.1db


LWDM Telecommunication Filter Applications

LWDM optical communication filters are very suitable for optical communication systems with high bandwidth, high performance and high stability

  • 5G networks have very high requirements for bandwidth and frequency resources, especially in millimeter wave and C-band optical communications. The wide wavelength range (1260 nm~1360 nm) and high isolation of LWDM fiber filters can effectively support the high-frequency data transmission needs in 5G networks, especially for fiber backhaul, base station connection and optical transmission networks
  • The application of LWDM filters in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems is particularly prominent. WDM systems combine and transmit multiple optical signal wavelengths to increase the transmission capacity of optical fibers, which is suitable for multi-wavelength transmission, optical fiber access and optical fiber links
  • As the demand for bandwidth in data centers increases dramatically, high-speed optical fiber connections within and between data centers become particularly important. LWDM fiber filters can effectively solve the problem of signal interference between data centers and provide stable and reliable optical signal transmission. Such as long-distance fiber connections, high-speed interconnection within data centers, and cloud computing centers
  • WDM fiber filters can effectively reduce the attenuation of optical signals, especially in long-distance transmission. It can ensure lower insertion loss and higher signal quality, and is suitable for cross-city or cross-national fiber communications, submarine optical cables, and fiber backhaul networks.

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