Rox texas red optical fluorescence filter for pcr
Rox texas red optical fluorescence filter for pcr

Rox Filter Set For PCR

Rox filter set is a fluorescence filter set specially designed for Rox fluorescent dyes. Coligh manufactures high quality rox filter set for PCR application.

  • Rox exitation 570/20nm Emission615/20nm Dichroic filter 590nm
  • High blocking depth 200-1100nm@OD>6
  • Transmission >90%
  • ROX filter set Option 2 avaliable: EX570/20 EM615/40 DM565
  • ROX Filter set option 3 avaliable: EX580/20 EM615/20 DM590
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Rox Fluorescence Filter Set Description

Rox is a red fluorescent dye. The excitation wavelength of Rox is 575nm and the emission wavelength is 602nm. Rox fluorescence filter set is a high performance optical filter set specially designed for PCR.It is also widely used in fluorescence micoroscope, qPCR detection and other life science instrument like flow cytometer. It has the following features:

  • Coligh’s Rox filter set is strictly designed according to the range of Rox and emission spectra to ensure efficient signal collection
  • The dichroic mirror 590nm has a very high steepness, which can effectively separate the excitation signal and the emission signal to prevent cross-channel infection
  • The extremely high cutoff depth OD>6 in the range of 200-1100nm can help form a dark background, and the transmittance of >90% in the transmission range can effectively maximize the excitation light and emission light signals
  • The use of high-precision fused quartz and hard coating technology makes the filter have excellent resistance to environmental changes and can maintain high performance for a long time

ROX Filter Set Spectrum Performance

ROX PCR filter Set Technical Specification

Optical Filter type: Fluorescence Filter Set Fluorophore Detection: Rox
Exitation Filter: 570/20nm Emission Filter: 615/20nm
Dichroic Filter: 590nm Transmission: >90%
Blocking Depth: >0D6 Blocking Range: 200-1100nm
Angle of Incidence: 0 deg for EX and EM filter.

45 deg for dichroic filter

Diameter avaliable Dia12, Dia12.7, Dia18, Dia25, Dia25.4 or custom
Surface quality: 60/40 Thickness: 1mm unmounted, 6mm mounted availiable

ROX Filter Set Applications

ROX fluorescence filter set is mainly used to detect ROX fluorescent dyes. It is mainly used in the following fields:

1. qPCR

In qPCR, ROX is a common fluorescence baseline correction dye that can improve the accuracy of experimental data

2. Fluorescence microscopy

When using fluorescence microscopy for cell imaging and tissue fluorescence labeling, ROX fluorescence filter set can detect specific organelles or proteins

3. Fluorescence in situ hybridization

In the field of molecular genetics and medical diagnosis, ROX filters can detect specific DNA and RNA sequences when used for FISH

4. Biosensors and in vitro diagnostics (IVD)

In these applications, ROX fluorescence filters are widely used for immunoassays, nucleic acid detection and biosensors

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